Sex after a breakup: Here are two main reasons people have sex after a breakup

It’s not uncommon to feel a certain sense of unfinished business after a breakup. For many, physical intimacy with an ex-partner can bring a sense of finality. It is a certain way of saying goodbye to a relationship and re-establishing the emotional connection that once existed. A new study published in review Personality and individual … Read more

Maintaining timeless elegance with age


Ideal outfits for every occasion Depending on the events and circumstances, seniors need to adapt their clothes to remain chic and elegant in all circumstances. Here are some look ideas to inspire you: Daily: opt for comfortable clothes that are easy to wear, such as stretchy cotton trousers, a flowy blouse and flat shoes. Accessorize … Read more

Modern Grandparents: Redefining Family Bonds


An essential emotional and social pillar Modern grandparents are the main players in the emotional and social stability of the family. First of all, the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren is often stamped with unconditional love, which enables children to grow up in a safe and soothing environment. Older people are truly capable of … Read more

Nutrition: what will add ten years to life

The way we live and what we eat affect the condition of our body as a whole. A study that analyzed the diets of almost half a million Britons found that those who consistently eat healthily could extend their lives by 10 years. The experts extracted information about the volunteers’ lifestyle and health from the … Read more