Here are 3 tips to resist temptation and finally eat healthy

New resolution 2024: there is healthy and balanced diet. After holiday meals at the end of the year and numerous overeating, we want to take care of our body. And for that, everything goes on the plate. But how to resist the temptation? Fast food, raclettes in abundance, chocolates, galettes des rois, cakes… It’s hard not to fall in love with all those good things that catch our eye. Fortunately, the magazine Psychology exposed 3 tips to follow to finally eat healthy, according to recent research. Finally say goodbye to temptation!

Think about the immediate consequences

The first thing we should do when we are tempted by a tub of ice cream at the bottom of the freezer or a glass of white wine waiting for us on the table is to think with immediate consequences. In any case, this is what seven studies involving 4,000 participants say. According to them, this is the best way not to succumb to temptation. For example, instead of thinking about the consequences of alcohol on our liver, it is more effective to focus on the hangover which we will have to assume the next day if we want to do the activities we planned.

Focus on enjoying healthy food

Another tip: instead of focusing on all the disadvantages of junk food, it is advisable list all the qualities of taste and benefits they can bring us healthy food ! For example, if you want to replace the cake with a banana, think about its sweet taste, but also that this fruit promotes a feeling of satiety and therefore can act as an appetite suppressant. Not forgetting that it is possible to accompany it with a small piece of dark chocolate… This allows you to turn this limitation into pleasure.

Allow yourself progressive rewards

Finally, to avoid that feeling of being “taken away”, experts recommend establishment of a progressive reward system. Really, this can help you make long-term efforts and not to give up along the way. According to Psychology, researchers conducted a study on athletes who could unlock rewards after each workout. The result: the latter developed better sports performance and better resistance than those who received only a few consecutive awards. So to resist temptation, integrating rewards into your routine makes it easier to adopt a healthy diet over time.