How to succeed in a beauty detox?

author: Laurence Briquet

Does it seem that the parties and excesses are behind us, our skin is burnt, and the body is calling for detoxification…

After the holidays, we continue to pay the price: heaviness in the stomach, lack of sleep and light, and skin that says stop. Pimples and other blemishes have appeared, the complexion is dull and gray, and the skin is thirsty.

How will we solve the problem? With proper care. First, we exfoliate our face in circular motions. Peeling, by removing dead skin, allows better penetration of the treatment.

Then we hydrate, that is, renew the skin with water and lipids in order to strengthen collagen and elastin fibers. Beautiful skin means firm skin. And for that we also massage in small circles to activate microcirculation.

It is also interesting to offer your skin a detox and anti-pollution treatment because it has been exposed to numerous attacks in recent weeks. We choose a treatment that will help her improve her defense mechanisms to deal with the external attacks she is enduring. The detoxification treatment also works to regenerate tired skin while deeply purifying it, which is beneficial for the complexion. There are, for example, treatments that work at night for plumper skin when you wake up.

Hair should also be cared for, with a purifying scrub and a moisturizing treatment that will make it shiny and strong.

Finally, if you get the chance, treat yourself to a small hammam to sweat and get rid of all the toxins that clog us and make the skin dull. It works for the face but also for the rest of the body. Add to that a daily consumption of at least 1.5 liters of water for a hydrated and fresh complexion.