How to take care of your hair in winter?

Do you feel more vulnerable in winter? Your hair too! If they are abused in the summer due to salt water in the sea or chlorine in the pool, know that climatic variations, the fact that you face them with the friction of hats and scarves, and even a change in food, generally oilier in winter, can also affect the health of your hair. Find out how to pamper them this winter!

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Faced with the external aggressions of winter, your hair should be pampered. You’ve already had to deal with uncontrollable electric hair syndrome! And what about dry, lackluster and brittle hair due to temperature changes between indoors and outdoors? Are we talking about it? Therefore, it is important to feed and strengthen them so that they can overcome this cold period more easily!

Nourish your lengths to protect them

The ends of your hair are the oldest and most fragile part of your hair. They tend to split and split under the influence of brushing, climatic influences, too strong centrifugation and too hot drying.

Moisturizing the ends and lengths will preserve the elasticity of your hair and thus limit split ends. But using such a product, such as molecular hair care developed by Flora Lab Paris, will also nourish, restructure and strengthen the hair. The result is convincing! It prevents breakouts and limits hair breakage, not to mention improving the appearance of the hair.

These recipes from Flora Lab Paris can be used as a deep treatment before or after shampooing. Their special features? These molecular hair care products have been the subject of much research. Emphasis is also placed on the microbiome and hair biology, and the brand aims to offer a highly effective, personalized and sensory routine for a balanced microbiome and a healthy scalp in cold weather!

Moisturize the scalp

In addition to nourishing the length of your hair, moisturizing the scalp helps prevent dryness, irritation and itching caused by cold and friction from harsh materials. These complaints will disappear, and the scalp will be healthier.

Application of one of the best CBD oils remains a solution that provides hydration to the scalp. However, we can count on other advantages: non-greasy appearance, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, prevention of hair loss, scalp protection, hair shine, regulation of sebum production…

CBD oil can be used in a variety of ways over it oil baths on the length to be left before shampooing, direct application on the scalp (a few drops) or even integration of a few drops also in hair products.

Other little daily tips

In order to continue taking care of your hair in the winter, you can take a few simple actions every day.

Don’t hesitate to protect them with a soft fabric like a silk scarf or tuck them under a hat. You can also consider braids, buns and other tails to avoid winter external aggressions. Finally, rinse them as much as possible with cold water and dry them at low temperatures to avoid static electricity!