Mewing: What is the viral technique that allows you to change the shape of your face?

She specifies that when the tongue is not properly positioned on the palate, it is generally because the person already suffers from class 2 malocclusion (upper teeth sticking out of the lower teeth), accompanied by long and retrognathism. “This means that the mandible is too far back and the upper jaw is too far forward, resulting in a curved and narrow palate. In these cases, the mouth always remains slightly open, and the tongue does not lie on the palate, but remains floating in the mouth,” explains the therapist.

The importance of teeth in jaw development

Yvette Pons reminds that good occlusion is necessary, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for proper chewing and swallowing. Incorrect occlusion can lead to digestive problems and respiratory problems (with all that implies), changes in posture that harm the joints, sleep disorders, snoring and even vision problems.

What are the problems which meowing fight (really)?

Beyond technique meowing, the correct position of the tongue is important. According to Yvette Ponsthis can help prevent amnesia, snoring, breathing problems, general lack of oxygenation, lack of energy, malocclusion, dark circles under the eyes, vision problems and digestive problems.

In any case, the founder inYvette Pons Institute advises “not to put too much stress on anatomical structures, such as the temporomandibular joint, hypertonia of the masticatory muscles, which can cause certain pains, such as headaches and pressure in the sinuses. Tooth wear can also be the result of excessive pressure if the occlusion is no longer correct”. Conclusion? Be consistent and enjoy the benefits, but don’t expect miracles.