Speaking a foreign language would be an advantage in seduction

If you want to attract someone, you might want to learn a second language, or even a third. Indeed, according to one study, knowing a language other than your mother tongue would be a huge advantage in seduction. We will explain to you.

Learning a new language: the main seductive quality

According to a study conducted by OnePoll for Babbel i reports the magazine Psychology, it seems that learning a language other than her mother’s would be a major advantage in seducing her. Indeed, the study was conducted with 1,000 people representative of the French national population aged 18 and over from 5 to 12 December 2023, before then being repeated with 6,000 people aged 18 and over with a representative sample of the new population (Germany, Spain, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States). And according to the results, 56% of French people confirm that meeting a person who speaks several languages ​​immediately makes them more attractive.

Why is speaking several languages ​​an advantage in seduction?

First of all, the ability to communicate in different languages ​​shows an open mind and intellectual curiosity, qualities that may be particularly attractive to others. Additionally, speaking someone’s native language or mastering a language he or she loves can create a significant emotional connection. Communicating in each other’s preferred language can create a deeper connection and show a certain desire to engage.