Sporting leaves in style, ACA falls from the start!

Nothing changes in 2024 for the ACA! Still burdened by injuries and absences, Ajaccance once again kept the team from the lower part of the table in check! With seven players out for the first time this year, Olivier Pantaloni’s team failed to find solutions to face the Trojan Youth. Trailing after half an hour of play, the Aceists still found the resources to score a superb equalizer through Jacob before completely missing the second act. Cold after returning from the locker room, ACA conceded the second goal in the 47th minute. Unable to react, the Ajaccio club evened the score in the 71st minute. Enough to leave Olivier Pantaloni very confused at the end of the discussion. “It is quite incomprehensible after our good first half in which we had excellent control. We regret not being able to use our strong moments to score and make a difference. And then, in the second half, we are the complete opposite of what we showed until then! We made big mistakes in defense and had a lot of problems with reaction! “.

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With this defeat, ACA loses valuable points in the fight for the podium and is now in 9th place.

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On Sporting’s side, however, it seems that the confectionary truce has done the greatest good! Transformed compared to the end of 2023, the Bastiais provided the best game since the beginning of the season, especially with an XXL first period! In the new 4-2-3-1 tactical scheme and led by the trio of Vincent – Alfarela – Bianchini, Sporting showed great technical and collective mastery. Mastery rewarded with two perfectly constructed goals by Bianchini (29th) and Alfarela (60th). A victory that cannot be disputed as SC Bastia smothered the pale leader Angevinc, the author of a single shot in the entire game! Enough to satisfy coach Régis Brouard: “We had an incredible game! This is one of the best first halves since I arrived. In terms of mastery and technical quality, we have to be able to lead 2-0 or even 3-0 at half-time. We were very intelligent in managing the game and defended very well! The satisfaction is great because when you play the leader, change the system and achieve this result, there are obviously a lot of positive points. Now we will have to confirm against Caen.”

Thanks to this success, SC Bastia gives itself a breath of fresh air and returns to 13th place with 5 points ahead of the red zone.