Start 2024 with fast and effective weight loss thanks to Allurion – L’Express

After enjoying the holidays, family dinners and work celebrations, it’s time to step back and think about how we can make the most of the next 12 months.

In other words, it’s time to talk about New Year’s resolutions!

If you want to manage your weight to boost your energy and make the most of 2024, now is the time to act and start planning your year.

According to a YouGov survey, 44% of us make decisions to achieve our goals. Which two resolutions are the most popular? “Improve your physical condition” and “lose weight”.

But sometimes that’s easier said than done. When we return to the office, the rhythm of our daily life gradually takes over our decisions. This is especially true for weight loss resolutions, where post-Christmas low energy and lack of time make us give up on our resolutions.

Especially since in France we put food at the center of everything we do. For many of us, meals are a central part of family life. This focus on food can make sticking to a diet and exercise program even more difficult.

Start 2024 with fast, effective weight loss with Allurion

Start 2024 with fast, effective weight loss with Allurion

/ ©Allurion

But with the right support and advice, it is possible to achieve a more balanced weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Losing weight can seem like a mountain to climb, but Allurion program offers a realistic and achievable path. This program is based on the world’s first and only gastric balloon that can be swallowed and therefore does not involve surgery, endoscopy or anesthesia. How does it work ? THE Allurion gastric balloon it takes the place of grapefruit in your stomach and thus reduces appetite. Your stomach is already occupied by the Allurion Balloon, you are satisfied faster and you naturally reduce the portions you serve. The program thus encourages weight loss, without the annoying feeling of hunger or food cravings that usually accompany a child.

It’s a balanced approach to weight loss – no crash diets here. It’s about adapting your diet to your lifestyle, preferences and budget, while still enjoying meals with your loved ones. The goal? Supply your body with the necessary nutrients, enjoy food and establish a healthier relationship with it.

The Allurion balloon is placed during a short 15-minute visit to the doctor’s office, allowing you to quickly return to work and family life. After about four months, the balloon deflates automatically and is naturally eliminated from the body. The results are already visible in the first month, where on average you can lose 7% of your body weight. In total, it is possible to lose an average of 10 to 15 percent of body weight in a period of approximately four months.

Start 2024 with fast, effective weight loss with Allurion

Start 2024 with fast, effective weight loss with Allurion

/ ©Allurion

The transformation that weight loss represents can have a significant impact on your life. And bring you the joy of being able to fit into the clothes you want to wear or participate in family activities that we couldn’t participate in before. The mental health benefits of a more balanced body weight should never be discounted.

In addition, by starting the weight loss process at the beginning of the year, you will be able to fully enjoy all these benefits during the following spring and summer vacations.

In addition to the Allurion balloon, the multidisciplinary weight loss program includes a medical team (doctor, nutritionist sometimes accompanied by a psychologist or sports trainer), as well as a complete set of digital tools (connected Allurion app and scales) to help the patient take control of their weight loss journey and stay motivated to maintain it a healthier lifestyle.

You no longer have to try to lose weight alone. The medical team is there every step of the way to give you the best chance of making your weight loss a big success in the new year.