Third degree burns from his heated pad

The day of December 13 will be remembered by Jean-Philippe Blanchette-Perron for the rest of his life. He will even bear the consequences of the day when one of his heated insoles caught fire on his right leg. A construction worker from Trois-Rivières is doing a little better today, even if he can’t put his … Read more

The death of police officer Shelby Patton: “Our family fell apart,” laments his mother

A victim impact statement presented Friday at the sentencing hearing for the Winnipeg man who ran over Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Constable Shelby Patton more than two years ago. The judge will decide on the punishment later. On June 12, 2021, during a traffic stop in Wolseley, Southeast Saskatchewan, Officer Shelby Patton lost his … Read more

President Biden’s son has pleaded not guilty to tax fraud

US President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, pleaded not guilty Thursday in Los Angeles to tax evasion in an embarrassing case for a White House resident preparing to face Donald Trump again. Hunter Biden (53), a businessman who has now devoted himself to painting and says he has overcome drug and alcohol addiction, is one of … Read more

Learn history through an online game

Companies and organizations from Bas-Saint-Laurent have jointly developed an educational and entertaining game that aims to share the history of those who inhabited the estuary of St. Lawrence through the ages. Memory has been online since November and is intended primarily for high school students, but also for the general public. It allows you to … Read more

What if Aboriginal social reintegration was done “in the forest”?

Around his neck, Mathis wears the shell casing the group used to kill the other original. That evening, the 19-year-old went hunting for the first time. There he learned everything: how to hold a gun, how to gut a game and, finally, respecting tradition, cleansing the soul of a dead animal with sage. “Intense” the … Read more