Tax credit: instructions for use – newspaper from 8 p.m

The year has just begun, Véronique has just received a nice surprise in her bank account, the amount of 1,242 euros, which corresponds to 60% of the tax credit. By employing a housekeeper for three hours a week, she benefits. So the tax authorities have just sent him two thirds of the amount. The rest will be paid to him this summer. Like her, nine million tax households received an average of 634 euros. You are concerned if you have registered an employee at home to care for your child, for example, union contributions, donations, investing in rent or even placing a loved one in EHPAD. But beware! This amount is an advance that you can lose at the next declaration. “If you have no tax expenses in 2023, you will have to pay back this advance next summer,” explains Sophie Liotier, finance expert – “Finance for all”. If you haven’t received that money yet, you must be one of the 180,000 taxpayers who have not yet submitted their bank details to the tax administration. Don’t worry, you’ll get your check at the end of January. TF1 | Report by L. Gelabert, J. Bervillé