The death of police officer Shelby Patton: “Our family fell apart,” laments his mother

A victim impact statement presented Friday at the sentencing hearing for the Winnipeg man who ran over Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Constable Shelby Patton more than two years ago. The judge will decide on the punishment later.

On June 12, 2021, during a traffic stop in Wolseley, Southeast Saskatchewan, Officer Shelby Patton lost his life after he was hit by a stolen truck while trying to intercept it.

Testifying in court, the 26-year-old police officer’s mother, Melanie Patton, said she was devastated by the loss of her only son.

Nothing is the same anymore. Our family fell apart. (…) Meetings are small and quiet, and I dread parties.

Four people from the Shelby Patton family stand at Wolseley.

The family of Constable Shelby Patton during a tribute to the young man in Wolseley, Saskatchewan. From left to right: Matthew Zimroz, Kaela Patton, Ashley Patton and Melanie Patton. (Archive photo)

Photo: Radio-Canada / Heidi Atter / CBC

I see a psychologist every two weeks

On Friday, prosecutor Adam Breker presented a victim impact statement on behalf of Shelby Patton’s wife, Mari Grobler.

In this statement, Mrs. Grobler expresses her constant fears related to vehicle noise, her difficulty leaving home, and her descent into depression.