These 9 phrases narcissistic perverts use to manipulate you

In the beginning, your love story was a real fairy tale. But little by little, without us being aware of it, things changed. And this idyll worthy of romance turned into a nightmare. Your companion has taken off his mask and revealed his true face. A narcissistic pervert who does not hesitate to use manipulative methods to make you dependent on him. Victimization, guilt, lies… He has more than one trick up his sleeve! But how can you spot a narcissistic pervert before you get caught in their web? Courtney S. Warren, PhD in psychology and author of the book Let go of the exdiscovered nine phrases they use every day and which are “red flag” to consider.

9 typical sentences of a narcissistic pervert

  • ” You’re crazy “ : this expression is a method handling psychological which aims to bring “the victim questions the validity of his own thoughts, perception of reality or memories and generally leads to confusion, loss of self-confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty about his emotional or mental stability and dependence on the aggressor”, explains the expert.
  • “You’re exaggerating”: Usually a narcissistic pervert uses this phrase when you decide to get angry in return.
  • I’m telling you this because I love you” : this is a way for him to present his behavior as benevolence, while in reality he is trying to exercise some control over you.
  • “It’s your fault »: with this sentence, the person wants to make you doubt yourself. He turns the tables so that you feel like the problem is you, not him.
  • “If you love me, you have to let me do what I want” : typical of a narcissistic pervert, this expression invites your guilt!
  • “That made me do this.” : once again, he doesn’t hesitate to put everything on your back…
  • “It was just a simple joke” : with this sentence, he minimizes your emotions and puts psychological violence under the guise of humor.
  • “Everyone thinks like me, you’re heavy”: a narcissistic pervert is not afraid to use those around him to lose his confidence.