This magnesium-rich vegetable is one of the most powerful allies in the fight against aging

We find this magnesium-rich vegetable on all lists of nutritionists and longevity experts: pumpkin. Rich in vitamins, filling and low-calorie, pumpkin is one of the most useful alternatives for skin, hair, mood and immune system. Doctor Vicente Mera, an expert in antiaging medicine, explains that certain superfoods have the ability to slow down aging. Pumpkin is one of them. In addition, its high fiber content also helps with weight loss: “it is rich in magnesium and zinc, low in calories and has anti-inflammatory and laxative properties.”

Benefits for skin and hair

Pharmacist and nutritionist Paula Martin Clares says that it is one of those nutritional riches that he always has in his pantry and that he prefers to buy because, among other things, “bunda enables the preparation of healthy menus and recipes incredible”. In his work The health of your skin is where it comes from, the expert devotes several lines to this food because “its striking orange color is synonymous with carotenes, an antioxidant component perfect for maintaining healthy skin and eyes”. And he continues: “it offers some protection against ultraviolet rays and therefore helps prevent blemishes and wrinkles. The high content of vitamins C and E enhances its antioxidant function, which reduces the damage caused by free radicals and stimulates the production of collagen, which helps to keep the skin young and supple. Finally, the zinc content strengthens the hair. “The lack of this mineral will have negative effects on the health of the hair, since it is responsible for protecting the bulb and preventing changes in the life cycle of the hair, which could lead to premature hair loss, which would pass through the telogen phase and fall from the bulb,” explains Dr. . Rachel Amarofrom the clinic Capilar Hospital in Madrid.

Magnesium promotes good mood

It is interesting to mention that this vegetable is rich in magnesium, a nutrient that acts on the muscular and nervous system, stimulating it welfare two systems and their relaxation. Additionally, Dr. Measure adds that its seeds are high in tryptophan, which helps improve serotonin levels and depressive behavior.

Pumpkin has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system

There coach nutrition expert Sandra Lorden includes pumpkin on its list of anti-inflammatory foods that support digestive health. AND Paula Martin Clares confirms that it can help strengthen the immune system. Natalia Galan, nutritionist at BluaU Sanitas, also emphasizes that it is a food recommended for the prevention of flu: “Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene (organic pigments that turn into vitamin A when the body absorbs them), and its nutrients strengthen the immune system and protect against viruses.” And he added: “In case of allergy, it can be replaced with carrots, because their benefits are very similar.”

Lots of recipe options

This is another advantage of pumpkin: it is not only consumed in the form of cream or puree. The possibilities are unlimited:

  1. Cooked, in a salad, with green leaves, pomegranate, walnuts, goat cheese and balsamic vinaigrette. Nutritionist Beatriz Larrea recommended after a main course of seafood, meat or fish. “Vegetables, healthy fats and proteins provide satiety, and glucose absorption will be slower,” she explains.
  2. In the form of chips (very thinly sliced ​​and baked) seasoned with spices, for a healthy snack.
  3. In a wrap, with feta, tomatoes, lettuce and avocado.
  4. Cooked with rice, quinoa or lentils for a spicy curry