this powerful antioxidant provides detoxification and anti-aging effects like no other!

Antioxidants prove to be valuable allies in maintaining good health. These elements are useful in protecting against free radicals, which accelerate the aging process. Some are very famous like vitamin Avitamin E or copperbut there is one that is still unknown to the general public, yet has multiple advantages: glutathione. We present it to you so that you can integrate it into your routine this winter!

Benefits of antioxidants

Antioxidants are naturally present in certain foods and have the ability to defend the cells of our body against damage caused by free radicals, thus ensuring our protection. Antioxidants are found in large quantities in foods such as fruits and vegetables, seedswalnuts, legumesas well as certain teas.

Antioxidants play an important role preventive role protecting us from oxidation. When our cells burn calories, they create waste, molecules that are considered to be “prooxidants”, better known as free radicals or, more precisely, reactive oxygen species. These molecules can attack our cells throughout the body, accelerating aging processt. Therefore, it is essential to limit their production and fight against them.

Glutathione, the king of antioxidants

As explained by Dr. Thomas E. Levy, an American cardiologist in It’s hereGlutathione (or GSH) is a powerful detoxifier exceptional antioxidant properties. It consists of amino acids and is naturally produced through the liver. However, it is possible that its production is changed or reduced depending on age or the environment, more or less polluted, in which you live. For this reason, it is sometimes necessary to consume it in the form of supplements.

Glutathione acts as a cofactor for antioxidant enzymes and stimulates the activity of other antioxidant agents. For example, contributions vitamin C production. In addition, it plays a role in restoring the antioxidant effect of vitamin E. It is also key in stimulation of immunity. In addition, reduced levels of glutathione have been observed in patients with certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and arteriosclerosis.

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Where to find glutathione?

Glutathione is found, for example, in cruciferous vegetables and turnips. But also in green vegetables such as asparagus, spinach, avocado, zucchini and peppers. As for fruits, glutathione is present in grapesmango, strawberries. Citrus fruits such as lemons and orange also contain them. You can also count on spices like cinnamon, cumin, cardamom and turmeric.

And if you still lack this miraculous antioxidant, you can consume it in the form of supplements in the glutathione molecule, or in the form food suplements, like the reference liposomal glutathione sold by Altrient and recommended by cardiologist Thomas E. Levy. Be careful, however, and consult your doctor before starting treatment.