This unexpected supplement helps slow down hair loss

A recurring phenomenon

Every season you notice the same thing, your hair is falling out more than usual, you find it everywhere on your brush, your pillow, and for some it’s even quite a disturbing episode. A thinning scalp is often a source of stress. Although this is a fairly natural occurrence and is often not serious and everything returns to normal after a few weeks, it is therefore a period when pharmacies sell significantly more specific vitamin medicines and other serums intended to activate hair growth.

These cures have proven their effectiveness, but in reality they will not be as effective if your daily routine is not optimal and if you do not take the appropriate measures every day.

Discover the secret ingredient to reduce hair loss in the video:

An important ritual

Because in fact, what we often forget to remember are the basic actions that contribute to the good health of the scalp, and thus the hair. Because everything is connected. Well-established hair that grows on a healthy scalp is hair that will not fall out at the first sign of fatigue or stress. The main thing is therefore to take care of the scalp, wash it without irritation, not too often, s appropriate shampoo.

The scalp is an important microbial area, just like the inside of our mouth, so we must provide it with good hygiene so that all these microorganisms function optimally. It is also a particularly innervated area, which is why massages that activate microcirculation are recommended to keep your scalp healthy. But, in addition to all that, there is a gesture that we often forget, but which is still necessary: ​​regular hair brushing.

A good brush

Flore Des Robert, the creator of the French brand of premium hair brushes “Good brush” explains to us: “A quality hairbrush can perform various functions that are all essential for your scalp and for your hair growth. By brushing your hair twice a day, starting from the scalp towards the length, you ensure that the sebum is distributed along the length of the hair; which creates a layer that protects it and will result in your hair getting greasy faster at the roots. Brushing your hair carefully also allows you to relax and loosen the hair that should fall naturally, and this airs out the scalp. Finally, by choosing a brush that suits you (with or without nylon fibers, preferably boar bristles), you can gently massage the scalp and thus activate microcirculation, which is an essential function for reducing hair loss and simulating growth. new hair. »

So a good hairbrush would be the first investment if you have thin, lackluster hair or if you suffer from bouts of hair loss when the seasons change…

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