This winter staple that we think is good for our figure can actually be sabotaging our weight loss goals

In winter, especially in January, soup they often stand out as one of the main dishes on our year-end detox menus. Both warm and pleasant, they also usually contain ingredients with beneficial properties for health, but on the condition that you do not fall into the trap of industrial soups. Behind their appearance as a “healthy” dish, soups, veloutés and other soups sold in ready-made cartons in supermarkets are far from being as healthy as they may seem. You have to carefully analyze the list of ingredients to quickly realize that they are not so flawless.

Why should we be wary of industrial soups?

As the Spanish nutritionist explains Carlos Rios in columns of Voguewe have to be careful processed productsindicates that processed products avoid ingredients with as much as possible “strange names” which are in reality “sugars, glucose syrups, fructose, non-olive oils (sunflower, soybean, palm or corn), non-integral flour…”.

As the expert points out, in the end, these ingredients do not carry the right nutrients and only produce glucose peaks which are not recommended and which increase the appetite even more. Therefore, it is more than important before you make a small selection of soups in supermarkets, make sure that they do not contain excessive amounts of additives. The ideal still remains to give yourself time make your own soups at home to ensure that they actually consist of only vegetables and nothing else.