Trump in Rocky III mode after Iowa win – L’Express

The Republican primaries began on January 15 at -25°C. But it was above all a chill in the back that those who feared a Convincing victory of Donald Trump in Iowa, opposite Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy. With 51% of the votes, the former president collected more votes than all his opponents combined! This fanfare start confirms what the Democratic camp knows without daring to admit it.

Trump is turning his legal problems into a political advantage, presenting himself as a victim of the elite. He is also a formidable stage beast: his charisma excites his camp and he now has the luxury of displaying quiet strength. Immediately after the victory in Iowa, this communication professional, full of confidence, presented himself as the unifier of his camp, even as the father of the entire nation, which he called for reconciliation.

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The first president in the modern era to seek a second term after a four-year hiatus, Trump is establishing a “narrative” that fits the Hollywood archetype. That’s what from “back kid”, this character who – like Sylvester Stallone in Rocky III – endures failures, comes back and triumphs in the end.

On the other side of the ring, the unpopular Joe Biden, who initially suggested he would serve just one term to prepare for a generational change, seems a little tense. That’s just an impression, of course. But in politics, the perception of things sometimes turns out to be as important as their reality.