Why you should never sleep with wet hair

by lauren soukiassian

Due to lack of time or because we want to let it dry naturally, we sometimes go to bed with still wet hair.

Wash them hair it generally requires the whole organization: we have to choose the days according to our social plan. This can often turn into a real headache, especially for those with long hair. Then you have to carefully follow your routine: shampoo, conditioner, mask, etc. If you are a fan of natural drying, do it early so that yours hair they are dry when you go to sleep.

Going to bed with wet hair: why it’s a bad idea

There are several reasons why you should not go to bed with wet hair.

First of all, as the beauty expert explains on her TikTok account, it will completely flatten your hair, you will no longer have volume.

Then sleeping with wet hair will encourage knots, which is obviously not ideal, especially if you have long hair. Then you’ll have to retangle them when you wake up.

Finally, this promotes itching. Scalp bathed in moisture will become brittle. This sensitization will then cause irritation and itching. You may also get more dandruff.

Also keep in mind that wet hair is more brittle than dry.